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Pratiko inc.

20 Saffin Street

Danville, Quebec


J0A 1A0

Phone: 819.839-3303

Fax: 819.839-1242


Pratiko Medical

1713 Industrial Parkway

 suite 103

Lyndonville,Vermont 05851

Phone: 802-748-0099

Fax: 802-748-0048

Roll making rubber & urethane

Rubber roll making



    • Resists degradation due to sun, ozone and weather
    • Works well in contact with oils and many chemicals
    • Remains useful over a wide temperature range
    • Exceptional physical resistance
    • Excellent resistance to damage caused by bending and twisting
    • Maximum operating temperature 121 C / 250F


    • Oil resistant     • High resilience     • Excellent water resistance     • Maximum operating temperature 121 C / 250 F

    • Resistance to polar solvents / chemicals     • Suitable for use with strong and caustic acids     • Excellent resistance to water, ketones, esters of alcohol and esters     • Exceptional resistance to ozone     • Maximum operating temperature 177 C / 350F


    • Low moisture absorption     • Good dielectric qualities     • Heat and abrasion resistance     • Maximum operating temperature 149 C / 300 F

Pure gum:

    • Low moisture absorption     • Good dielectric qualities     • Heat and abrasion resistance     • Maximum operating temperature 149 C / 300 F