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Pratiko inc.

20 Saffin Street

Danville, Quebec


J0A 1A0

Phone: 819.839-3303

Fax: 819.839-1242


Pratiko Medical

1713 Industrial Parkway

 suite 103

Lyndonville,Vermont 05851

Phone: 802-748-0099

Fax: 802-748-0048

Plastic and Rubber
PRATIKO'S offer thermosetting urethane:

    • 0A to 95A (soft plastic, rubber);     • 53D to 90D (rigid plastic);     • Translucent plastic;     • Color choice.     We work with urethane from several suppliers, which allows us to offer you
a range of chemical resistance and different physical properties.       Our processes allow the production of simple or complex parts of
all sizes and different thicknesses.       We can produce orders from 1 piece (prototype), to a few thousand pieces.
Our plastic, silicone or metal molds are very economical compared to other
processes (ex: injection). Do you have plans ? We can help you, contact us