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urethane foamurethane foam


Pratiko inc.

20 Saffin Street

Danville, Quebec


J0A 1A0

Phone: 819.839-3303

Fax: 819.839-1242


Pratiko Medical

1713 Industrial Parkway

 suite 103

Lyndonville,Vermont 05851

Phone: 802-748-0099

Fax: 802-748-0048


From 5 lbs./ft.³ to 25 lbs./ft.³, rigid or supple.



The urethane foams offer an excellent tear resistance.




  • Protection at the factory where other foams are not resistant
  • Sound absorbent
  • Shock absorbent


Our procedures permit the production fo pieces, simple or complex, of all sizes ans thicknesses.



Our methods permit us to take you order according to its importance , whether one piece or a few thousand of pieces.
