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Pratiko inc.

20 Saffin Street

Danville, Quebec


J0A 1A0

Phone: 819.839-3303

Fax: 819.839-1242


Pratiko Medical

1713 Industrial Parkway

 suite 103

Lyndonville,Vermont 05851

Phone: 802-748-0099

Fax: 802-748-0048


        New abrasive spreading slide design, fully developed by our technicians and designed to eliminate frequently problems.   




  • This slide is made entirely of urethane, which eliminates the possibilities that sand is lodged between steel and plastic as in the case of traditional slide;
  • Its rounded design gives it the advantage of having no corner this preventing the sand from forming a plug at the end;
  • Its stainless steel reinforcement at each end gives ease installation and allows rigidity.




  •  Its durability is better than what is currently offered, they made with a specially material designed for abrasion resistance. This same material is already used for the manufacture of spreading discs.