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Pratiko inc.

20 Saffin Street

Danville, Quebec


J0A 1A0

Phone: 819.839-3303

Fax: 819.839-1242


Pratiko Medical

1713 Industrial Parkway

 suite 103

Lyndonville,Vermont 05851

Phone: 802-748-0099

Fax: 802-748-0048

Design and 3D Drawing



Pratiko stands out for several years by its great ability to design your products, whether simple or         great complexity. Our experienced technicians are specially trained to offer you the support you are     looking for designing your new product. With their know-how, they will be able to advise you on     materials, shapes, assembly and more.


         In addition, our technicians can design your products in 3D drawing, allowing you to validate all     aspects of your new part. This will help you prevent potential problems before incurring prototyping     costs.